This Blog is to document my experiences as an Art of Living teacher. To let anyone who is interested know about the rich experiences that people have through the various courses and seminars that we offer. I hope you are inspired to make a difference for our planet and our fellow earth beings, no matter how big or small...this world needs us to act NOW.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Information about 5H program

The 5H program aims at ensuring that every rural area/village has Homes for the homeless, Health care, Hygiene, Human Values and Harmony in diversity. Set up in 1997, 5H catalyzes social transformation that aims to eradicate poverty, misery, disease and ensure peace and harmony in rural and tribal areas worldwide.

The youth from the local community undergo the Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP). This gives them the skills, motivation and abilities to initiate and lead service projects in their own villages and localities based on their needs.

Only a strong spiritual foundation brings self esteem and self confidence that is unshakeable. It is this combination of spirituality, and skills and leadership training that ensures the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of this program.

The individuals and communities at the grassroots become self-reliant both socially and economically. Further, the effects are long-term and sustainable.

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